35 years. Is that actually a jubilee year? 25 – definitely. 30, 40 – sure. But 35? In any case, these, your, our film festival have been around for quite a long time! Wow! We always look forward to presenting new (and a few older) queer stories from all over the world that touch, challenge and inspire.
With four LET'S TALK events this year, we want to talk to you about topics that affect us in our queer (film) spaces. We look forward to many personal encounters before, in and after the cinema, in the Tagbar or in the OFFBAR.
listen - talk - show solidarity
Even in our 35th year, we cannot turn a blind eye to the challenges facing queer communities. The increasing pressure on marginal- ised groups and the palpable threat of right-wing extremism make it difficult to celebrate. Right now, it is particularly important for us to come together again.
Let’s listen to each other, show solidarity with each other, learn from each other, be there for each other, strengthen each other and celebrate together – as a community in all its diversity and differences. This festival wants to be a space to learn from the struggles of history across all generations and to broaden our view with new perspectives:

Opening at Kampnagel
Getting the festival week off to a flying start – and true to our trans*generational motto –, we would first like to invite the diverse generations of the festival audience to a get-together in the foyer at Kampnagel where both reunions and new acquain- tances can be celebrated. We are delighted that this year none other than Hamburg’s queer performance royalty “House of Brownies” will make the Opening Gala sparkle. The queer BIPOC artist collective is dedicated to the promotion and self-empower- ment of artists from marginalised communities and has put together a special programme espe- cially for this evening. Their aim is to create safe spaces where artists from diverse cultures can raise their voices and inspire each other.

Opening film: ASOG
After a break with a chat and a drink in the Kampnagel foyer, the programme continues with the opening film ASOG.
ASOG tells the story of a journey with a clear destination but with many ways to get there. The film combines fictional and documentary elements in a touching way that brings us very close to the stories and characters. Co-writers Arnel Pablo and Rey ‘Jaya’ Aclao (lead role and screenplay) have rethought the idea of the road movie with this film, blurring boundaries, surprising and making you think as well as laugh. ASOG seeks and finds solidarity in the midst of struggle.
Director Sean Devlin is invited.
The gala will be interpreted into German Sign Language.

This year, we want to engage in dialogue with you at four LET’S TALK events. At LET’S TALK PARTY & CARE, we will be talking to Hamburg party collectives about questions of responsibility for one another in nightlife.

ALLES WIRD GUT and SCHWARZE FRÜCHTE in our LET’S TALK TRANS*GENERATIONAL programme are two outstanding examples of queer Black filmmaking made in Hamburg. There are 26 years between the two productions and yet there are many common aspects that we want to illuminate in a conversation between the generations.
At LET’S TALK FESTIVALS there are opportunities to exchange ideas with the organisers of other queer film festivals and, lastly, with LET’S TALK THEORY we take a look at queer film history.
Curated programmes
bildwechsel lets us look into their archive on Wednesday: At the SCHWARMSICHTUNG LOVING CINEMA in their own premises at Kirchenallee 25 (unfortunately not barrier-free), you can have films recommended to you or select them yourself.
Vika Kirchenbauer
The selected works for QUEERING THE MUSEUM? deal with social power structures and the visual regimes inscribed in them.

daybar & offbar
Here you can also meet people outside the cinemas during the day and in the evening to talk shop about films or simply have a drink:
at the Kante, with coffee, cake and pink sparkling wine! The place to meet people - before and between films. Open: Tue - Sun: 10.00-20.00, Wohlwillstr. 54.
Friday to Sunday from 9pm, all night on Friday and Saturday. Where? To be announced.

HIQFF@school - QUEER Education 2024
Now in its seventh year, our school programme is a matter close to our hearts: queer films for the next generation. It is our small contribution to confronting queer hostility in schools and to informing and empowering children and young people.
During the festival, Hamburg schoolchildren can experience LGBTIQ* stories on the big screen together with their classes and then discuss the topics of the films with guests. A great opportunity for teachers to bring queer topics into the classroom.
For a quick overview
The Timetable as a pdf to print out - all events on one page.
You can also use the alphabetical listing to access this year’s short or feature-length films individually: Films A–Z.
Those who crave more detail can access the pdf version of our complete festival brochure here.