“Querbild e.V.” – the non-profit organisation at the heart of the festival
The festival has been organised since 1995 by the non-profit organisation Querbild e.V. It sets the legal framework for the festival team and for our volunteers. The NPO has two dozen active members, who meet regularly with the team, or independently, to assist the continuing development of the festival and take care of the legal details. The committee members work closely with the festival team and maintain active relationships with other institutions and government bodies.

Querbild needs your support!
The goal of Querbild e.V. is to support queer film culture and especially queer film makers, to make queer people and their experiences visible in all areas of public life. The networking and collaboration between queer groups or organisations, whether in Hamburg, nationally or internationally, also forms part of Querbild’s focus.
In addition, the organisation maintains a film archive of more than 6,000 queer films and countless festival catalogues, which can be accessed for research purposes. In order to make this collection available to the public, an expansion of the archive is being considered.
Querbild e.V.
Schanzenstraße 45
20357 Hamburg
Register number: VR 14612
Committee: Tina Busch, Joachim Post, Antje Soltau
See below for the organisation’s charter, membership application form and contact details.