
Video Beschreibung

[Eine kurze Beschreibung was in dem Trailer zu sehen ist. Am besten auch in English.]

Eine selbstgebackene Torte, verziert mit dem knallroten Schriftzug Push-Up Club
Needs translation: HIQFF Plakatmotiv 2024

Our festival motive for the 35th HIQFF 🤍

The motive is designed by Mawuto. We are really looking forward to the festival week and reveal the first films in our CSD flyer.

Needs translation: Drei Gäste des Festivals

The festival

The Hamburg International Queer Film Festival is Germany's oldest and largest queer film festival. Once a year in October, it attracts around 15,500 visitors to Hamburg's cinemas and various supporting events.

Needs translation: Push-up club

Become a pusher

More than 350 queer film festival fans are part of the PUSH-UP CLUB, the festival's circle of supporters. You are needed too! The most urgent problem for many queer projects is funding. Help us and become part of a wonderful community.

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