

The ticket sale starts on September 29, 2018 at 11 o’clock!

Here you will find all information about tickets and entrance fees.

Our tip for all avid cinema-goers: the 5-ticket booklet (5er-Karte)!

online tickets

from the 29th September (11 am) to the 14th October 2018 (2 pm)


Note on use: in order for the selected tickets to remain in the shopping cart, the activation of “accept third-party cookies” is necessary for the duration of the order process

The 5-ticket booklet is valid for five different screenings. Only the Opening Gala is excluded.

After its appearance in the shopping cart, the booklet can be combined with other single or 5-ticket booklets. To do so, click on "continue shopping".

You can also book the 5-ticket booklet several times for selected screenings, by using the “number” option.

In order to guarantee punctual arrival by post, four days have been scheduled for delivery. Tickets bought on Sunday, 14th October can only be ordered for films from Thursday, 18th October. All tickets ordered on 14th October will be sent out on 15th October. 

ticket agencies

from 29th September (11 am) to 13th October 2018

Filmtage counter in the travel shop Ticketkontor

Lange Reihe 91, Hamburg - St. Georg

Mon-Fri: 14:00 to 19:00, Sat: 11:00 to 15:00

All tickets | 5-ticket booklet available | Cash only |

Tel: 0163-634 35 49

Kartenhaus Gertigstraße

Gertigstraße 4, Hamburg - Winterhude

Mon-Fri: 10:00 to 18:30, Sat: 10:00 to 14:00

All tickets | 5-ticket booklet available | Tel: 040-270 11 69

Kampnagel (opening tickets only)

Jarrestraße 20 (barrier-free access)

Mon-Sat: 16:00 to 19:00

Tel .: 040-27 09 49 49 (10:00 to 19:00)

Concert ticket Schanzenstraße

Schanzenstraße 5, Hamburg - Sternschanze (barrier-free access)

Mon-Fri: 10:00 to 19:00, Sat: 10:00 to 16:00

All tickets | 5-ticket booklet | Tel.: 040-38 65 51 95

St. Pauli Office

Wohlwillstr. 1, Hamburg - St. Pauli (barrier-free access)

Mon-Sat: 10:00 to 19:00

All tickets | 5-ticket booklet available | Tel .: 040-98 23 44 83

Tickets are available in all other booking offices in Hamburg and throughout Germany. This does not apply to the 5-ticket booklet.

telephone ticket orders

from 29th September, 11 am to 14th October, 2 pm

Ticket hotline countrywide: 0180 – 60 50 400 (24 hours, 20 cent per call when ringing from the German landline network | max. 60 cent per call when ringing from the German mobile network) All tickets | 5-Ticket Booklet available | postal delivery

Please note, in order to guarantee punctual arrival by post, tickets bought on Sunday, 14th October can only be ordered for films from Thursday, 18th October. All tickets ordered on 14th October will be sent out on 15th October. 4 days have been scheduled for delivery.

Ticket sales in the festival week from the 16th October to the end of the festival

Tickets for all days and all cinemas are available at the box offices of Metropolis, Passage, 3001 and B-Movie. It is recommended you buy your tickets 30 minutes before the screening takes place.

Thursday to Friday from 5pm: ticket sales for all festival cinemas.

Passage: Mon-Fri from 2pm | Sat–Sun from 12:30pm | tickets sold for all festival screenings

Metropolis: Mon–Tues from 5pm | Wed from 4:30pm | Thurs from 3pm | Fri from 3pm |
 Sat from 12:30pm | Sun from 10am | tickets sold for all festival screenings

B-Movie: Sat from 2:30pm | tickets sold for all festival screenings

Kampnagel: only Opening Night: Mon + Tues from 4pm


We apologise: telephone reservations during the festival are not possible.

ticket prices 2018

Single tickets:

€7.50 (advance sale, not including booking fee)

€8.50 (during festival week and The Week After)

€6.50 (reduced admission for people on a low income; available in advance – plus booking fee, only at the Filmtage counter in the travel agent Ticketkontor or from the Konzertkasse Schanzenstrasse – or in the cinemas during the festival week – not including the opening film)

5-Ticket Booklet (5er-Karte):

€33.00 (advance sale, not including booking fee)

€37.00 (during festival week)

Transferable, only one ticket per film possible. Not valid for the opening film

Opening Night Gala + Film:

€13.00 (advance sale, not including booking fee)

€15.00 (remaining tickets from the box office)


Closing Night Ceremony | Matinée:

€8.50 (advance sale, not including booking fee)

€9.50 (during festival week)

€6.50 (reduced admission for people on a low income; available in advance – plus booking fee, only at the Filmtage counter in the travel agent Ticketkontor or from the Konzertkasse Schanzenstrasse – or in the cinemas during the festival week – not including the opening film)


Free entry without tickets:
"Wednesday Chez Bildwechsel", "Genderbende“; "By Hook or By Crook“.

Free entry with free tickets – a maximum of 4 tickets per film, available from 15th October at the festival cinemas: 

"An Unashamed Claim to Beauty – Wotever shorts“, "I’m Fat“ + supporting films: "Encoded Wish & Riot not Diet“, "Queer In Serie“, "Refugees under the Rainbow & Being Okey – Wenn Liebe zum Verbrechen wird“

Pre-sales Fee

Online tickets and advance ticket sales are subject to a 10% pre-sales fee, – not charged by Ticketkontor, Lange Reihe – and a € 1 ticket fee. The 5-Ticket Booklet is only subject to one fee. If applicable, licensing and/or service fees will also be charged. The fees are shown online; in the sales points please check

Shipping fee for postal delivery: 4,– € for all cards of an order process

Tickets are for non-reserved seating. Come early to avoid disappointment!


Family Shorts:

Prices of single tickets are valid.

Children under 14 accompanied by an adult get in FREE.

A limited number of festival passes (Dauerkarten) are only available for members of the Push-up Club. We suggest 5-Ticket Booklets as an alternative.

Reduced ticket prices are available for people on a low income, excluding the opening film; available in advance – plus booking fee, only at the Filmtage counter in the travel agent Ticketkontor or from the Konzertkasse Schanzenstrasse – or in the cinemas during the festival week – not including the opening film).

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